Chapter 2. The Varia Course

The Varia Course

Synech was sitting comfortably in the lounge of his expansive penthouse when he received the call. He had just been overlooking the waters of the Gibson Bay, wondering when was the last time there had been such a magnificent display of societal growth like the one that had resulted in New Mech City. An awful chime broke the enjoyment of his peace. The shrill ring sounded loudly in his processor, a penny on a tin roof in the night.

In the years since Sy’s retreat from service, he had made quite the name for himself in the private sector. He had led his company for a little over 6 centuries, each year that passed allowed the tendrils of NovaCorp to infiltrate every weak link, every crack in the armor, every missing necessity of the new world that lay before him. He provided luxury, but at a price not everyone could afford. As he brought excess, so his little ants brought reliance upon him. Soon he would be inextricable from Nova, the planet would depend on him. He couldn’t wait.

So when the comms alerted Sy to the intrusion and interrupted his pleasant reflections on his success, his resulting irritation was palpable. What could you possibly want.

“Connection from HQ incoming, please hold for Coiran.” The bright voice left no room for questions or concerns from Sy.

The Obsidian mech straightened, his stare taking a significantly more haggard look than it had just moments before. It had been a long time since he waited at the beck and call of Coiran. His breath quickened, and he pressed against the wall to ground himself. He hated himself for his weakness.

“Hello, Sy.” The voice was silken and warm as the snake whispered in his ear; blood pouring out of its mouth, past its forked tongue, the warmth washing over his body. His eyes narrowed, fully aware of the impact this familiar voice was having on him. He pulled himself out of the reverie and shook the mist from his head.

“It’s been a long time. I didn’t know if I would ever hear from you again.” He kept things brisk and formal, unwilling to let Coiran treat him with the same disdain he had come to expect. He wasn’t who he used to be.

Yes, yes.” The caller murmured in response. “Strange times we have found ourselves in.”

Sy opened his mouth to respond.

“I don’t call to wax poetic. I need you to pull together a team. The best of the best. 3 security, 2 maglev techs, a geologist, and Milo Kapler. How long do you need?”

“Are you kidding? I’m not your little helper anymore. I don’t just do whatever you—“ Sy was cut off by his old mentor.

“I’ll cut you in on a third and cover the cost of everything.”

His mouth opened. And closed again. A ripple formed out in the lake. One of those new aquatic types, he guessed. Whatever Coiran had planned it had to be big. For him to call asking for help was... well, obsidian hadn’t seen that before. And to offer to cut him in? Seemed to good to be true.

“My offer doesn’t last forever.” “Well my answers don’t come immediately.” Sy grinned to himself, he was sure he heard an ease in the silence.

He broke the tension. “Where do I send them? What’s even the goal here?”

And the voice that sounded so smooth on the other end did something that Sy had never heard before. Coiran grew audibly excited.

“Provo Camp.”

The Obsidian recoiled. Varia?

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