The Universe

Background, context, and more info on where and when we're at.

Our story begins only a few years in the future from now in 2023. Mech invaders from another galaxy descended upon Earth one day, and nothing was the same after that. Humans had to learn how to use these mechanical creatures for themselves, these mechs were our only chance of survival in a harsh and unforgiving world.

Through centuries, nee, millenia, humans fought and clawed their way back to relevance on a cosmic scale. They took over mech factories, they attempted ambush and assassination to capture and reverse engineer the enemy. After the centuries of guerilla warfare, the remaining humans were sparse but strong, angry at the attempted massacre.

Following the downfall and eventual destruction of Earth, humans took to the stars. They scattered across galaxies and solar systems, trekking many thousands of light years away in search of fellow humans, healthy planets, or simply a reason to fight for survival.

Humans were eventually able to corrupt enemy mech code in order to use their bodies for themselves, hosting human consciousness in a mechanical body, never able to return to an organic body. The mech bodies were space-safe, but difficult to transport, causing huge carriers to rent out docking ports on board, solely to keep up with the movement of the human sprawl.

Eventually, humans realized that in order for these mechs to run, they needed to find and mine ore. This ore was relatively easy to find in small quanities, but there was never much of it when a vein was tapped. It seemed like every planet had ore, but very little of it. Earth had been the largest source of ore on a pre-populated planet in history. Then we found Nova.

Chimera IV (aka 'Nova') is the fourth planet in a disolar system, just teetering on the inner edge of the circumstellar hospitable zone. The heat from two suns and the planets proximity to them caused ore to form at a higher rate than any planet seen before.

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